In preparation for the upcoming season CRL have been offering a number of volunteer courses. Our next course is the Developing Coach Course itemised below. Coaches and coaching has a significant impact on player retention and as part of CRL’s drive to ensure we are providing our players with quality development CRL has introduced a volunteer development schedule maximising the opportunity for all our volunteers to become NZRL accredited.
In preparation for the 2019 season in excess of 150 of our volunteers have received further upskilling and NZRL accreditation. Our clubs have been very strong in their support of CRL’s development programme and CRL are wanting to ensure you are given this opportunity to undertake this development.
Date: Saturday 16 March.
Venue: Wilding Park Tennis Centre, Upstairs Lounge Area.
Time: 9.00am to 3.00pm
Couse Cost $50 NZRL Fee.
Course Outline:
This course is for Club Coaches in grades 13 Years – Men’s Div 1 / and is a pre requisite for all coaches coaching in the Canterbury Cup (Premier Reserves) and Premier grades. The course is also geared for all Representative Coaches in the 10-15 Years age groups.
The course content:
The role of a coach – coaching philosophies, coaching environments, Training sessions – structure and format, elements of training, Skills and drills advanced teaching, Optimising player performance, Basic Team Structures, Relationships.
To register for the course please clink on the following link
If you have any question please feel free to make contact.
George Lajpold Capability Manager |
phone: +64 3 338 4531 mobile: +64 27 542 5443 |