Elected Positions
As part of our constitution we have key volunteer roles that help us keep in touch with our stakeholders and fulfil our legal obligations as an incorporated society. These positions are voted on at our AGM each year and we are very pleased to have the following people assisting Canterbury Rugby league Inc.
Reon Edwards
Referee's Committee
The Referee's Committee provides recommendations and guidance to CRL and its staff on a variety of matters relating to referees. An important part of their role is centered on the continuous development of referees within Canterbury, along with maintaining a sustainable recruitment and retention programme for both junior and senior referees.
Committee Members
Steve Toms - Chairperson
Jamie Lester
Daryl Mataiti
Jack Feavers
Judicial Panel
The Judicial Panel is a group of independent persons who are appointed to officiate and make decisions in matters relating to disciplinary issues in Canterbury. They are guided by the Canterbury Rugby League Constitution, By-Laws, and Judicial and Disciplinary Manual.
Panel Members
Glen Black
John Robinson
Shona Urquhart-Bevan