Referee Development

Referee Support
Match officials play an important role in the growth of Canterbury Rugby League. It is our goal to support our referees at each level of your refereeing journey. New referees have an opportunity to start at either the junior level or youth level. Both levels have a referee coach to help you get started and support your development. If you are interested in becoming a referee please contact jamie@crfl.co.nz or 021 499 494.
Junior Referee
To help get you started with junior rules (from 10s – 12s) read and review the Junior Referee Guide. Be sure to take the junior referee knowledge quiz at the end of the slides.
For coaches of junior grades, please review your grade in the Junior Rules Guideline (Nursery – 12s). Coaches referee games up to 10s grade, but may be required to referee up to 12s.
Junior Referee Coach: Nathan Tau
Youth Referee
All youth grades (13 and up) play under NZRL International Rules. However, all grades 15 years and below play under the Safe Play Code. It is important to recognise the differences between Safe Play Code rules and International Rules. Please read and review the Youth Referee Guide to support you with the rules and understanding the roles of a referee. Be sure to take the youth referee knowledge quiz at the end of the slides.
Youth Referee Coach: Matt Peden
Senior Referee
Senior grades (18 and up) play under NZRL International Rules. As a senior referee you are supported by the Referee Panel and a Referee Coach. Referee meetings occur regularly to support development. To test your knowledge of the international rules, please take the International Rules Quiz.
Click the NZRL Level One Referees Course to complete the online component of the course. You will need to register and create an account with SportTutor. This can be done after you click enrol. Once the online component of the course is complete, you will need to complete a practical component of the course. Please contact jamie@crfl.co.nz or 021 499 494 for more information.
Referee Panel: Steve Toms (CRL representative), Daryl Mataiti (Referee Delegate), Jack Feavers (Senior Referee Coach).
Touch Judge
If you would like to touch judge, CRL appoints touch judges to premier games. There’s also opportunities to develop in other senior grades and youth grades. Please see the touch judge slideshow to support with your touch judging knowledge and skills. Please contact jamie@crfl.co.nz or 021 499 494 for more information.