Canterbury 14s Travelling Team
August 16, 2019 /
CRL and the Canterbury 14s Staff are please to confirm the team that will be traveling to Greymouth on the 17th August to play the West Coast 14s,congratulations to those who have been selected.
Coach | Chris Hansen |
Manager | Rebekah Hoeta |
Trainer | Liam Gardner |
Marty | CORRY | Linwood Keas |
Jessie-James | COULING | Riccarton Knights |
Te Kaio | CRANWELL | Northern Bulldogs |
Jamayne | FEAST | Northern Bulldogs |
Manaaki | FENTON | Hornby Panthers |
Isaiah | FILIAI | Halswell Hornets |
Dion | FONG-YIP | Hornby Panthers |
Noah | HARMER-CAMPBELL | Hornby Panthers |
Seth | HIGNETT | Northern Bulldogs |
Jaydyn | HOETA | Linwood Keas |
Dakota | KAKOI | Linwood Keas |
Rico | LANAUZE | Hornby Panthers |
Revelation | MUMUTA | Linwood Keas |
Cairo | RANGIHUNA-RURI | Linwood Keas |
Tyrell | RIVERS | Northern Bulldogs |
Tayler | ROBINSON | Riccarton Knights |
Benedict | SANFT-NAFOI | Linwood Keas |
Blake | SCOTT | Northern Bulldogs |
Tyrell | TUUTA KOTARA | Linwood Keas |
Kaya | WIPARATA | Hornby Panthers |

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